E. Can. and N., Central, Upper N.E. USA
"The northern white-cedar type is valuable for wildlife habitat, particularly for deeryards during severe winters. The tree is highly preferred by white-tailed deer for both shelter and browse. Sapling stands produce a great amount of deer food and clearcut stands in Michigan yielded almost 6000 kg/ha (5,340 lb/acre) of browse from tops. White-cedar is also utilized by such mammals as the snowshoe hare, porcupine, and red squirrel. Its browse is generally rated as highly preferred by hares and is sometimes heavily utilized. Birds common in white-cedar stands during the summer include several warblers (northern parula, black-throated green, blackburnian, black-and-white, and magnolia), white-throated sparrows, and kinglets. The pileated woodpecker commonly excavates cavities in mature white-cedars to feed upon carpenter ants." [1]
"The name arborvitae or "tree of life" dates from the 16th century when the French explorer Cartier learned from the Indians how to use the tree's foliage to treat scurvy... Northern white-cedar is widely used for ornamental plantings in the United States, is now common in Newfoundland, and has been grown in Europe since the 16th century." [1]
"The principal commercial uses of northern white-cedar are for rustic fencing and posts; other important products include cabin logs, lumber, poles, and shingles. Smaller amounts are used for paneling, piling, lagging, pails, potato barrels, tubs, ties, boats (especially canoes), tanks, novelties, and woodenware. Recently, white-cedar has been used for making kraft pulp and it appears excellent for particleboard. "Cedar leaf oil" is distilled from boughs and used in medicines and perfumes; boughs are also used in floral arrangements." [1]
Johnston, W. Thuja occidentalis L. Northern White-Cedar. https://www.srs.fs.usda.gov/pubs/misc/ag_654/volume_1/thuja/occidentalis.htm