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Tree Campus: Norway Maple

Tree Campus SCC is a multi-year and interdisciplinary college initiative to document, map, and celebrate the incredible diversity of trees planted on the campus. With over 200 species, Shoreline Community College is an arboreal paradise that deserves to b


Norway Maple 'Crimson King'

Acer platanoides (SAPINDACEAE)



Central-East Europe to W. Asia



"Norway maple seeds are wind-dispersed. Dispersal distance from seed source is enhanced by winged samaras... There are no reports of the use of Norway maple by North American wildlife, as of this writing, but sugar maple and red maple are browsed by white-tailed deer, moose, and snowshoe hares (see sugar maple and red maple)...

Norway maple negatively impacts sugar maple/American beech forests of the northeastern United States by dominating the seedling layer and displacing shade tolerant native species... Norway maple may outcompete sugar maple for understory dominance in eastern deciduous forests by exhibiting superior growth...

The biology and ecology of Norway maple are not well-studied in North America. More research is needed to better understand its key biological traits, habitat requirements and limitations, and interactions with native North American flora and fauna." [1]


Equity: Cultural and Historical Significance

"It was introduced to the United States in the mid- to late 1700s in eastern Pennsylvania." [1]



"Over 100 cultivars of Norway maple have been developed for commercial trade in North America." [1]



[1] Munger, Gregory T. 2003. Acer platanoides. In: Fire Effects Information System,. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: /database/feis/plants/tree/acepla/all.html.

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