Himalayas to Japan and Thailand
Photinia fraserii is a cross between P. glabra and P. serrulata.
"Photinia glabra is an evergreen, broad-leaved, hermaphroditic subcanopy tree species, which produces fleshy fruits that are eaten by birds." [4]
"Photinia serrulata, a plant named Shi-Nan in Chinese traditional Medicine, is a well-known herb which has a long history in China as an efficient folk medicine for nephropathy, rheumatism and spermatorrhea. The plant is native in southern china, and people there always pick leaves off from P. serrulata and dip the leaves into the wine for a couple of months before drinking, which can develop the wine’s distinct flavour and medical effect." [3]
"Fraser photinia (Photinia fraseri Dress.), a member of the Rosaceae, is a woody ornamental plant species in which vegetative propagation by traditional methods is inefficient since cuttings of this species have been shown to be difficult-to-root. Phenolic compounds have been shown to have both stimulatory and inhibitory effects on plant development. Phloroglucinol, a phenolic compound, has been demonstrated to promote root formation in different plant species including members of the Rosaceae, such as apple... This method could be an alternative for commercial propagation of photinia." [1]
"Photinia × fiaseri, commonly referred to as red tip or red top, is widely grown in nurseries in the southeastern United States and is widely popular among homeowners and landscape architects as a hedge plant." [2]
[1] Ramírez-Malagón, R., Borodanenko, A., Barrera-Guerra, J. L., & Ochoa-Alejo, N. (1997). Micropropagation for fraser photinia (Photinia× fraseri). Plant cell, tissue and organ culture, 48(3), 219-222.
[2] Norcini, J. G., Andersen, P. C., & Knox, G. W. (1991). Light intensity influences leaf physiology and plant growth characteristics of Photinia× fraseri. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 116(6), 1046-1051.
[3] Hou, J., Sun, T., Hu, J., Chen, S., Cai, X., & Zou, G. (2007). Chemical composition, cytotoxic and antioxidant activity of the leaf essential oil of Photinia serrulata. Food Chemistry, 103(2), 355-358.
[4] Kuge, A., & Hirayama, K. (2017). Aggregated recruitment patterns under adult crowns in Photinia glabra, a bird‐dispersed tree species. Plant Species Biology, 32(4), 348-358.