S.W. China, Myanmar, China
"Native frugivorous birds facilitate the dispersal and germination success of C. franchetii, likely playing an important role in its invasion throughout the mountainous region of central Argentina."[1]
"The shrub Cotoneaster franchetii Bois. is native to China and was introduced to South America and other continents for ornamental reasons. It is listed on plant watch lists in several countries, and recently in Central Argentina. The introduction history of this species is still poorly known." [3]
"The genus Cotoneaster (Maloideae: Rosaceae) includes 95 shrubby species that are amongst the most widely used ornamental shrubs due to the diversity of their form and the beauty of their flowers and fruits. However, the spread of fire blight (caused by Erwinia amylovora has rapidly led to a dramatic fall in nursery production since 1982 and quarantine rules that forbid planting certain very susceptible genotypes. Moreover, conventional breeding has so far failed to develop resistant genotypes." [2]
[1] Díaz Vélez, M. C., Sérsic, A. N., Traveset, A., & Paiaro, V. (2018). The role of frugivorous birds in fruit removal and seed germination of the invasive alien Cotoneaster franchetii in central Argentina. Austral Ecology, 43(5), 558-566.
[2] Monier, C., & Ochatt, S. J. (1995). Establishing micropropagation conditions for five Cotoneaster genotypes. Plant cell, tissue and organ culture, 42(3), 275-281.
[3] Lett, I., Hensen, I., Hirsh, H., & Renison, D. (2015). No differences in genetic diversity of Cotoneaster franchetii (Rosaceae) shrubs between native and non-native ranges.