The following video will show you how to make a Works Cited page using Word and your sources. Note: The volume on this video is quiet, so you may need to use headphones to hear it. Also, I suggest making the video “full screen” to see all of the citation information when you watch it.
1) References Tab
a. Change style to MLA
b. Click on “manage sources”
c. Click “new”
d. Check the box “show all bibliography fields” (need publisher information)
e. Select source type (website is the example)
f. Cite author “Darren Rowse”
g. Cite the name of the webpage (this is the same as the name of the article) “ISO Settings in Digital Photography”
h. Cite the name of the website (URL) “Digital Photography School” (editor not listed)
i. Production company is publisher (or the webmaster)- Matt Brett
j. Type publication date 2012 (no month or day on this article)
k. Type the access date (day you looked at the website). This example is March 11, 2013.
l. Ignore the URL
m. Type “medium”. For the internet, put “web.” For a book put “print.” For a recording put “audio.”
n. Click ok
2) Put in your next source by clicking “new.”
3) When you’ve added all 3 of your sources, you’re ready to make a Works Cited Page. Click References Tab.
a. Click Bibliography.
b. Click Works Cited.
c. Moved “Works Cited” to the middle of the document.
d. Double space the page
e. Check your indentation (5 spaces or one tab key for the 2nd and 3rd lines of each entry
4) When you’re ready to do in text citations, simply click “Insert citation.” For books, you will need to add a page number after the author. But, for websites, simply the last name of the author is adequate. For example, (Rowse).