Magazines and journals are called periodicals because they are issued on a regular or "periodic" basis – they might arrive daily, weekly, monthly, four times a year (quarterly), once a year (annually) or anything in between.
Use Popular Magazines when you need:
- information or opinions about popular culture
- up-to-date information about current events
- general articles by people who are not necessarily specialists about the topic
Use a Newspaper to:
- find current information about international, national and local events
- find editorials, commentaries, expert or popular opinions
Use Scholarly Journals (also called academic or scientific journals) when you need:
- original, primary research on a specific topic
- articles and essays written by scholars or subject experts
- factual, documented information to reinforce a position
- bibliographies that point you to other relevant research
Use Trade Journals for:
- articles written by members of a specific business, industry or organization
- industry trends, new products or techniques, and organizational news