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New Courses at Shoreline: AES 292: "Nazi zombies ate my brain!" Fascism and the end of the world

Interesting themed courses at Shoreline Community College.

Research for the Twenty-First Century

AES 292: "Nazi zombies ate my brain!"

Fascism and the end of the world

WHEN:              Spring Quarter 2025,
                           April 21-June 18 (late start date!)

CREDITS:          2 credits (elective)

WHERE:            Shoreline Community College,
                           online (no in-person meetings)

INSTRUCTOR:  Eric Hamako 

DESCRIPTION: Students will learn about fascism, racism, and
                           anti-Asian and anti-Muslim oppression while
                           exploring zombie film & fiction.

This course explores information gathering from the most practical and mundane to rigorous, academic research. Participate in discussions about information creation and how privilege plays a part in this process. Add new skills to your student toolkit which empower you to quickly and easily gather, organize, store, and retrieve information sources on any topic.  

Email Instructor: Eric Hamako

Zombie in a blue suit saluting


We'll explore:

  • What is a zombie?
  • What is fascism?
  • How do fascists imagine the world?
  • How do zombies fit into fascist imagination?
  • How do some zombie stories challenge fascist imagination?
  • What can we do about fascism?
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