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Newspapers: National News

Looking for in-depth coverage on current events? Check out our compilation of news sources.

National Newspapers

Top National Newspapers

There are newspapers for very small towns as well as large publications for major U.S. cities. The advantage to using a popular national newspaper is that it will report topics of broader, more global importance. Small town newspapers may stick to just neighborhood news and updates. Many of these top newspapers are known for quality journalism and each one has a different set of ethics standards and political/company affiliations. An informed student will take these affiliations into account when using the source.

All descriptions are taken from the publications' About Us section unless otherwise noted.

Local Newspapers for Every State

Local Newspapers

Small town newspapers are great when your research topic is location based. Want to know how farmers feel about GMO labeling? Check a newspaper for a rural town that produces some of the nation's produce. If you need ideas or help, reach out to a librarian.


Regional Bias

If you are researching an area that you are not familiar with, the local newspaper in that area can help you get an idea of what is important to that place. 

Examples of Research Topics

Here are some examples of topics where location is important:

  • What are the current gun control laws in Montana? What about Washington?
  • How do farmers feel about GMO labeling laws?
  • Does legalizing marijuana help local government?
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