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Extreme Weather: Books

Information on massive storms, hurricanes, tornadoes and other atmospheric natural disasters.

In the Library: Books on Storms

What they are and what they can do for you

Books can go broad and deep because they are long.  Use a book to get a combination of ideas, numbers, history, theory--a book can do it all.  But the publication cycle can take 6 months to many years, given the time it takes to research, write, edit, publish, print and deliver books, so don't expect a book to cover the most recent ideas.  Books be popular or scholarly, so use your critical thinking skills to evaluate books, even if you do get them from a library. 

Technology Tips

Worldcat lets you make lists of books, journals, and even articles for later use.  Look for Add to List and make your own account with Worldcat.  It will also help you format your citation.  Look for Cite/Export and choose the citation style your instructor requires. 

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