The disease has been referred to by several names, so it's worthwhile to try several different keyword searches to find everything on the subject:
If you're searching for scholarly articles, the terms COVID-19, 2019-N-COV, and SARS-CoV-2 will be most useful. If you're searching for news sources novel coronavirus and COVID-19 will likely be most useful.
Whenever there is a rapidly developing news story, especially one that might be causing some fear and panic, there is a big opportunity for misinformation to spread both intentionally and unintentionally (see more about the "Infodemic" below). While it's always important to think about the quality of your sources, it becomes especially important in these situations. Here are a handful of sources that PCC librarians recommend:
If you want to figure out whether information you're finding on the Coronavirus is real or fake news, check out the COVID-19 Fact vs. Fiction page.