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Annotated Bibliography Writing: Good examples

A guide to help you understand what annotated bilbiographies are and how to make them.

Good Examples

Kakutani, M. (2010, March 17). Text without context. The New York Times
     Retrieved from 
       In Kakutani’s article on technology, specifically the internet, she 
       claims that digital media is changing nearly every facet of our culture 
       and that the way writers and scholars do research, as well as the way we 
       all take in information, are especially affected. She goes on to assert 
       that new advances in technology are a direct cause of “the public’s 
       growing attention deficit disorder and susceptibility to information 
       overload…”, thus causing a misunderstanding of what is fact and what is 
       opinion. She backs this up by discussing the fact that many online sites 
       offer polls and comment boards where users can put in their own two cents 
       on news and entertainment articles, and that these are often times given 
       more attention than the articles themselves. The ideas presented in 
       Kakutani’s article back up my idea that information can be both objective 
       and subjective in nature, and that technological advances make us more 
       susceptible to confusing fact and fiction. This confusion means that we 
       are more likely to misunderstand what is going on in the world around us, 
       as she states in paragraph 25 “politicians and voters on the right 
       and left not only hold different opinions from one another, but often 
       can’t even agree over a shared set of facts…” 


Kakutani, M. (2010, March 17). Texts without context. The New York Times
     Retrieved from 
       In this review, the author examines some critical questions dealing with 
       the intersections of information and art (pp 1-8), the switch of primary 
       distribution to a web-based form (pp 9-23), and the corresponding 
       implications on human reading habits (pp 10-38). The author also looks 
       briefly into the issue of copyright, as it applies to art and information 
       differently, and different opinions of how the law should reflect the 
       nature of these crafts (pp 5-8). Also critiqued is the increasingly brief 
       attention span of our culture, as demonstrated in our 
       “[overstimulation] to the point where only sensationalism and 
       willful hyperbole grab people’s attention”. This, the author suggest, 
       allows us to even more easily twist information, and only take away what 
       we want to learn from it (pp 8-33). This source will be useful for its 
       strong criticism on the modern era of digital distribution of 
       information, such as it is laced with social networking and enhanced by 
       our inherent human flaws. The author plays hardball with todays 
       information culture, and this resource is an excellent tool to balance 
       our progress-oriented mindset of assuming faster means better. It shows 
       another side of the internet, and a darker side of our tenuous human 
       relationship with information, and how easily it can be manipulated for 
       the ends we desire. 

Kakutani, M. (2010, March 17). Text without context. New York Times. Retrieved 
       In her article exploring possible effects of new communication devices 
       on our attention span, ability to understand written context, and 
       perceive ideas different from our own, Kakutani asserts that negative 
       effects of the internet culture are evident. Through many sources, she 
       shows how the activity of reading seems to be drastically changing. On 
       perhaps a deeper level, she seems to claim that even the motivations for 
       people to read are changing into a superficial, self-involved, 
       short-sighted aims for mostly backing up one’s shallow or puerile mental 
       pose. There is particular relevance to my idea about information in the 
       repeated theme of infantilization throughout Kakutani’s article. The fact 
       that several other examinations of this topic she draws from seem to lean 
       toward a tendency of childishness or immaturity in this cultural trend, 
       may itself explain some of the curious effects on people’s behaviours. We 
       humans are as babes when it comes to technology. Perhaps without 
       realizing it, throughout her references, she shows that these trends are 
       measured in just a few short years or perhaps decades. These flashy new 
       toys have been (and are) thrust upon us all with relatively little time 
       to properly incorporate them into beneficial - or at least balanced - 
       human interaction. 

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