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First Year Experience Collection: Your First Year

Students attending college for the first time have a unique experience.

Engage. Achieve. The First Year Experience Collection in the Ray Howard Library. 

  • Some questions students ask in class and some questions they  ask about themselves to themselves. They can use the first year experience collection to find their paths.

  • Some students knew they wanted to go to college, but maybe they  don’t know what they want to study. They can use the first year experience collection to explore academic disciplines to see if they want to commit to a quarter-long course, or to a career.
  • Some students came here to explore, to learn new things, to be a citizen of the world. They  can explore the college experience with the first year experience  collection.


What's in the collection?

  • Books about academic disciplines, writing, reading, note-taking,  creativity, money, being a college student and more…
  • White board and pens with  reflection prompts
  • Table and chairs close by for students to get together 


Where is it? 

Next to the books stacks....past the ELL to the computers ....on the way to the Collaborative Learning Classroom and the Maker Space.


Books from the First Year Experience Collection

The Skinny on Your First Year in College

Smarter Faster Better


The Philosophy Book

The Economics Book

Manage Your Day-To-Day

The Naked Roommate

The Straight-A Conspiracy

What Smart Students Know

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