There are lots of poetry sites online. Here are a few that I think are especially good, based on reliability, amount of information available and number of poems.
Here are some links to poems available on line. Most come from the sites listed in the box on the left (especially the first two in the list), where you can also find biographical information about the poets, other poems by the same poets, critical analysis of some poems, and other poetry resources.
Poets are arranged in alphabetical order by last name.
(There are a few more poems on the class Blackboard site. These are poems that are not available online, which I cannot put up on the LibGuide for copyright reasons. Go to Blackboard, English 111, and choose "Content" to find these poems.)
I've assembled here a small collection of short readings on various aspects of poetry, including comments on poetry from other cultures and brief analyses of certain poems, to provide further insight into what poetry is and how it works.
19 Lines That Turn Anguish Into Art
This is a close reading of the poem "One Art" by Elizabeth Bishop (second bio here). It discusses the meaning of the poem, then carefully analyzes the form and discusses how the form relates to the meaning. It also gives some background information on Bishop's life that provides more context for the poem.
(Access to New York Times articles is free for Shoreline Community College students. Sign up for a free account. You can read a few articles each month without an account, but after that you have to log in.)
A few selected essays and commentaries. Optional reading.