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Nursing Annotated Bibliography: Nursing research help

A nursing assignment requires peer-reviewed articles from nursing journals

Using this tutorial

1. Read your assignment in order to remember the requirements.  

2. Watch the videos in the "What do I need to know?" box. Skim the questions in Talk to the Text. 

3. When you get to "Select Five Journal Articles specific to your topic," do the steps in the Tutorial box on this page. 

4. Search for your articles. Make sure they fulfill the criteria on the assignment prompt. 

5. Save your articles or the permalinks to your articles in Noodletools. 

6. Use Zotero or ZoteroBib to make APA citations. 

7. If you need help with your annotations, review How do I write an annotated bibliography?

Read your assignment again to make sure you fulfilled all the requirements. 


Open CINAHL from the Nursing Learning Guide. Limit your search to peer reviewed articles, nursing journal subset, the last five (5) years, and full-text. Search your topic with keywords. Start broad, to get a sense of the world of research around your topic. Then narrow.

Watch this Video

If you are not getting a good list of articles, search with subject headings.

Watch this video

Or for a different approach

Talk to the text

When readers treat the text like they are in a relationship, readers learn better and more.  Try asking yourself these questions as you do this tutorial: 

1.  If I'm  going to have to do research in CINAHL when I am working, what do I do when the research I read contradicts what my superiors are telling me?

2.  If it is important to know what the current research is, what are the real world consequences to missing something in my CINAHL search? 

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